
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 5, Pt. 1

Notes: So, here's the next part, plus...yes, it's Anthony Mackie but I couldn't resist! How can anyone resist him, look at him. He's so lovely. Anyway, we haven't quite met Cillian's nightmare yet, but it's coming soon! Possibly with the next post, because it's time I pick the pace up.

Title: Soothsayer, Chapter 5, Part 1.

Andre Jones, only of course the photo isn't mine, and it's really Anthony Mackie, but whatever.

“Work hard for what you want, because it won’t come to you without a fight.” – Leah LaBelle

The fastest flight I could manage included a layover in Michigan, of all places, before doubling back to land at Chicago O’Hare. Michigan, right, because that made so much sense. The worst thing about flying was being part of a group of people with nothing in common other than their desire to get from point A to point B, all forced into close contact for hours on end. The next worst thing about flying was the way the whole process seemed completely, utterly arbitrary when determining who, what, when and where. I didn’t believe in arbitrary, I knew everything happened for a reason, but goddamn, airlines could test even my patience.


  1. Cup of tea and Cillian - not the worst way to start a day :-)

    1. Not nearly on par with being set on fire, for example. ;)

  2. This is getting good! I was wondering how Cillian was going to be able to ditch Andre and fly solo. I am currently trying to imagine how long it will take him to find trouble... Half a minute? ;-)

    Exciting! Keep up the good work!

    1. Not long. Not long at all. Thank you, darlin!

  3. Cillian seems to find trouble every way he turns, doesn't he? It either walks in on him or he walks right into it. I haven't decided if he's the trouble maker yet or not though.

    1. Oh, I think after the next few posts you're going to come down firmly on the side of "he's a troublemaker." Just wait ;)
