
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 4, Pt. 1

Notes: So, some revelations here! Some frustrations, especially for Cillian, but I never claimed he was super mature :) Also a new piece of artwork courtesy of Caitlin Ricci, because she's wonderful. One more post with set-up, and then we're off and running at the speed of...well, my plots, so take the word "speed" with a grain of salt.

Title: Soothsayer, Chapter Four, Part One


Neither of my companions were the sort of people to look dumbfounded after hearing something that should be impossible, they’d each seen too much. If I’d been hoping for a moment of shocked awe, maybe a frisson of fear or two, I’d have been sorely disappointed. As it was I got ruthless practicality, which was exactly what I needed in the moment. I was already freaking myself out. I didn’t need to deal with their panic too.

“What are you talking about?” Marisol snatched the phone from me and looked at the picture. “What do you mean? Who’s Ólafur Egilsson, and why would he be dead?”


  1. Whoa! That's some serious set-up you've got going on in this part... I can only imagine the crazy twists and turns the plot will take now. ;-)

    I am anxious to know what happened to Soren! The countdown is on to next Tuesday...

    1. Hi Tiffany!

      It is going to get crazier before it gets clearer, that's for sure. Why do I always make these into epics? We're almost 16k into this puppy and I'm still introducing people. But it'll be awesome! So awesome.

  2. Wow. The setup is already twisty, can't wait for the whole picture! Kudos!

    1. I know it's a big pile of twisty-ties right now, but I've got a plan, Scottie darlin'. I'm a woman with a plan. :)

    2. Thank you! I love it too, I've got good friends :)

  3. The artwork. Those eyes, right? They're just how I'd picture Cillian. That's a really nice piece.

    Oh man, Cillain's guilt in this scene is palpable. Right now I'm wondering who's going to come to whom. Will Cillian seek out Soren, or is Soren coming to Cillian? I have a theory about Cillian's vision of Soren, but I'll wait to see how it goes. I love how involved this feels. Thanks Cari :)

    1. Hi Lisa!

      It is nice, Caitlin is lovely:) And there's going to be some seeking in the chapter after next, and from there it's going to roll out full speed ahead. I'm going to be writing about Chicago--good thing I'm going to visit next month, because I know nothing about the city otherwise:) I'm so glad you're sticking with it! Thanks for reading, darlin.

