
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Soothsayer Ch. 2, Pt. 2

Notes: So, this went in a completely unexpected direction and was getting veeery long. I had to cut it at a cliffhanger moment, but the day isn't over and I swear, explanations are coming! Also, no one is dead! Just, gosh, I got surprised, okay? Very surprised, and I had to run with it. Also, none of the pics are mine, I just felt they fit. The extra two are guys who show up in this part and may feature later on, I'm not entirely sure yet. Anyway, enjoy!

Title: Soothsayer, Chapter Two, Part Two



“It's hard to walk away from a winning streak, even harder to leave the table when you're on a losing one.” 

 Cara Bertoia, Cruise Quarters – A Novel About Casinos and Cruise Ships

Back in the sixties and seventies, Colfax Avenue was the place to go in this city if you wanted to satisfy the four biological imperatives: feeding, fighting, fucking and, if you played your cards wrong, fleeing. You could do practically all of them at once if you went to the right bars. Those days were mostly gone now, washed away in the bubbly fervor of urban renewal, but there were still a few places around where a person could get in touch with their primitive side. I was jazzed with adrenaline, antsy and keyed up, and the only way I was going to work those bugs out of my system was with some serious exertion.


  1. This story just gets more and more interesting. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't kill Cillian but thanks for the assurance.

    1. You're welcome, honey. No, no deaths! Not yet, at least.


  2. Noooooo! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?!?!

    *takes deep breath, tries to remain calm*

    Sooooo....we're getting the next part soon, right? ;-)

    1. Soon, yes! Maybe before Tuesday if I've got promises, but you know I <3 you.

  3. I'm liking Cillian more each week. I look forward to next week.

    1. Hi Avid!

      Good, I'm glad he's growing on you. Next week will be interesting, I hope you enjoy it.

  4. Heheh, this is so much fun!
    I agree with Avid, Cillian's growing on me (although with that name, I can't help but imagine him skinny with *very* blue eyes...)

    1. Hi VC!

      Hey, I like your visual, I'll take that. I'm working up to making people invested in Cillian, even if they don't love him the way some characters get love.

  5. Sooooooo NOT FAIR. :-( do we reeeeally have to wait a whole week for the next bit????

    1. I'm sorry Carol! Maybe you don't have to wait quite that long, I just don't know yet. But it'll be good, I swear!

  6. I'm just getting here, but this scene is great. You're a very clever girl, Cari. Moving right on....

    1. Hi Lisa! Move right on to Chapter 3, the timing is excellent. I hope you like the picture:)
