
Friday, July 25, 2014

Mid-Summer Madness

Hi guys...

A little bit of a real-life rant today, because everything is happening all at once and I'm going a liiiittle bit crazy, I just need to get it all out. The end of July/all of August are hectic times chez moi.

My lovely mother-in-law is visiting, and she's got lots of friends around here and is a social butterfly so she's about the easiest visitor we've ever had, but she marks the beginning of the insanity. Right after she leaves next week, my parents arrive on Thursday. They're going to spend three weeks with us.

Yep. Three. Weeks. Imagine spending three weeks with your in-laws for a sec. That's how my honey feels.

I understand why, from a planning perspective. They've come all the way from Germany, they have to make the trip worth their while and the house we're living in actually belongs to them, so they want to spend time here and work on things and bask in the loveliness that's Boulder. Cool, fine, but three weeks is a long time for people who are used to having our own space (my man's an only child, he gets a little territorial).

A week after they arrive, two of their friends are coming to stay with us and we're all (minus my mother, who doesn't do this wilderness shit) are going on a 4-day backpacking trip along the Colorado Trail. Good times, fine, I'm a trooper and I like spending time with my dad.

The last week they're here, my sister is coming out to visit and shoehorn me into bridesmaids dresses in preparation for her December wedding. She's got this silvery, Greek-style gown in store for me. I'll wear whatever she wants, even if she's long and thin and I'm short and curvy, fine. I'd wear a duck costume if it made her happy.

Then my folks leave, and we're plunged into the uncertainty that comes with being a contractor for the government and waiting on their procurement department to get their shit together and give my man a work contract. This could take a month, or more, and in the meantime he won't have any work. Plus his school starts up again, plus we're waiting to hear from a potential new job in another state. Yes, we might leave Colorado. Probably temporarily, but still, it's a big deal. We're freaking out here. Freaking. OUT!

I've got The Academy to finish, Soothsayer to start, my epic fantasy novel to revise, a novella to finish and a lesbian novel to submit to press in this time as well. I found a great artist and commissioned an original picture of Soothsayer's main character, so I'll share that when I get it.  Busy times.

Is your life busy like this? I can only imagine how much crazier everything must be if you have kids, or are actively moving, or changing jobs or dealing with a natural disaster...share some of your busy with me, I know you've got it. :)


  1. Oof! That does sound crazy... Big hugs, and I'll put the kettle on :-)

    At the beginning of the year we were packing our lives up to leave the UK, working out our notice periods and finalising our RTW trip (including US visas, eep). It was bedlam for about 12 weeks (the to-do list was a piece of wallpaper *covered* in scribbles), and I still can't quite believe we actually made it onto the right plane on the right day with the right bags! :-)

    Can't say I'm much looking forward to going home and picking up where we left off...

    1. Yeah, if crazy living were a contest you guys would definitely win first prize :) I'm amazed at how much you've taken care of, gotten done and planned out for this trip. Mental fist bump of solidarity for you, girl.

  2. Deep breaths, dear. Deep breaths.

    Crazy living is becoming my norm lately. As much as I hate the fast pace, I'm getting used to it. Lucky for me I have a very relaxed weekend on my agenda. I plan on spending at least part of that weekend catching up on all the sleep I missed during my on call weeks.

    1. Aren't you happy not to be on call any more? I hope your weekend was incredibly restful, hon.

  3. Good luck dealing with the craziness and on the job. If you need to skip a week or two, go right ahead. I'll go into withdrawal, but there are just so many hours in a day or week or year.

    1. Hi Avid!

      There's one week that will definitely be a skip, because I'll be backpacking and without means. I appreciate your preemptive acceptance, darlin ;)

  4. And here I was just saying how busy WE are for the next few weeks - and that's only normal full-time commitments + weekend events every weekend for the next 6 weeks + houseguest. Best of luck!

    1. Hi Manda!

      Gah, weekend events, they sneak up on you and before you know it your weekend is gone and you don't even feel like you had one! The week after my parents leave my man and I are doing knife camp--yeah, it's a thing--so our weekends will be similarly booked. Stay strong!
