
Friday, April 11, 2014

Never fear, and my upcoming schedule.

I do have a Garrett and Jonah vignette coming, probably tomorrow.  I thought I'd get it done sooner, but then the weekend caught up to me.  My sister and her fiance are flying in to Denver to do wedding stuff until Wednesday, and will be staying with us in between rushing from tasting to fitting to...whatever else people getting married do.  Seriously, I don't know, I got married in a state park by a shaman.  No fuss, no muss, people had to hike to the ceremony and then we had a big party.  Done.  Needless to say, my little sis is not going that route.  My father already tried bribing her to elope, but my mother and her fiance's family shot that idea down.  It's gonna be a big deal when it happens.

Anyway, more schedule stuff: next Wednesday, when my guests leave, my man and I are also leaving for Florida and RainbowCon, where we're volunteers for the inaugural year.  I expect excitement, chaos and a paucity of free time.  Additionally, I'm switching a lot of clients from Wednesday to Tuesday, so I'm going to try my best to write the next part of The Academy this weekend instead of waiting for Tuesday, because I just won't have the time.  Even then, I'm not sure how much time I'll have, since family will be here.

I come back to Boulder the following Monday, and that next weekend a darling friend of mine and her husband will be coming out to visit for a few days, so!  From here on out, April is pretty much booked.  I've got to finish my goodreads story and write on Academy, and that's pretty much all the free time I anticipate when it comes to my writing.  Fuckin' yikes.

So, that's what I'll be doing.  If something is late, I do apologize, but life is going to get insane, so have patience with me, darlins.


  1. A shaman? I knew there was a reason i liked you! ;)
    Jonah and Garrett vignette? I knew there was a reason i liked you! ;)
    Thanks for letting us know what's up! Have a great time with the sib wedding stuff!!

    1. Hi Scottie! Yeah, you knew I was a crazy Boulder freak, huh? :)

      I'm sure we'll have lots of fun. Thanks hon!

  2. I know you say The Academy writing keeps you sane, but don't lose sight of the fact you're doing it for free to keep us (dear readers) happy - if your April is manic we can deal :-) (Or at least not whine too loudly ;-) )
    And yes, enjoy the wedding kerfuffle - it's fun when it's not your kerfuffle!

    1. Thank you, I appreciate the understanding. I do love writing Academy and I hate it when RL gets in the way, but sometimes it's unavoidable. I'm looking forward to the kerfuffling! I'm maid of honor, so some of it will be inescapable, but mostly I hope to sit back, relax and watch the play unfold.

  3. You will have to show me all the "great places to sit and read a book" in Boulder. I plan on plenty of reading and relaxing time during our trip ;-)

    1. I'll do that! Boulder Bookstore has some lovely nooks, Pearl Street is great for reading and/or people watching, Flagstaff Mountain lookouts, some lovely hipster coffee shops, my own front porch with its view of the Flatirons...we'll take the tour:)

  4. Have a good time with your visitors. Don't push yourself too hard. You've been so good about weekly posting; if you need to postpone a posting, we'll deal.

    1. Thank you Avid, you're awesome. You make me feel better:)

  5. You absolutely should prioritize your efforts to the demands of your life. As a long time reader, I have benefited from your generous sharing of your writing. I look forward to the next update, whenever it will be.

    1. It will be as soon as I can conceivably make it, and I do appreciate your understanding. You're the best:)
