
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Got my Love's Landscape prompt!

The Goodreads M/M Romance group is doing their annual free reads event, which I love to take part in.  The prompting process was a little fraught this year (I suppose it is every year, but this year, ugh, I was waking up too early just to be denied) but I now have my story prompt and am ready to go forward.

Let me share!

Dear Author,

I’m sending this on behalf of my boss of whom the picture depicted. Been working with him a couple of years as his law firm as his secretary replacing a string of female secretaries in just a few months.

He’s not difficult to work for, my boss is. Honestly. I just think my successors expected too much from him... outside of work. I mean, look at his face! Admittedly, even I have a bit of crush on him. But even I had to face fact that he’s way, 
waaay out of my reach. Come to think of it, he never had any romantic involvement with anybody during the years I work for him. The only dinner, lunch, or breakfast reservations I had to make for him were either for work meetings or with his folks. Which reminds me I had to make one soon for the later as his folks are coming for a visit the day after tomorrow.

As courteous as he’d been with them, my boss doesn’t really seem close or comfortable with his elder. He gave me short version of his not-so-happy-happy childhood earlier in my days so I stopped yapping at him to buy meaningful gifts for them. As kind and quiet my boss is, he can be quite stern when he rebukes me. I find this quite sexy, but please don’t tell him I say so.

So, dinner reservations for three on next Friday evening... Wait, is that "4" he wrote in my agenda or I need to have my eyes checked. It IS! Does this mean he’d bring a date to meet the rents? How did I miss this? I didn’t see him behaving any differently around the office. People who dates should’ve shown some symptoms, aren’t they. And how come I never know he’s got close with anyone; male or female. I’m with him almost 12 hours a day! Well, at the office, on the phones, etc etc.

I’ve got to find out more about this!!!



Yep, I chose a contemporary, light-ish, sweet romance to write this year.  Last year my dark and dangerous story did really well, but oh my god, it was a time sink.  Hopefully this year's will be easier to write (and a little shorter, please brain, a little shorter) but still fun to read.  The finished product is due by May 1st.  I'll give you guys excerpts and, eventually, the whole thing to read if you're not a member of that group.  I recommend joining if you're in the mood for free fiction, though.  This event produces hundreds of amazing stories each year.


  1. Hurray! I'm so glad you got a prompt. I loved your story last year.

    I'm really looking forward to this year's stories. The prompts, including yours, have been great. I got brave and submitted one. Who knows, somewhere down the line I may get even braver and try writing a story.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad I got one too.

      Oh wow, has your prompt launched already? Who took it? I want to read your story!

  2. I'm glad you're taking part again - I really liked Full Credit, but Frieze Frame is so sweet, and such a great original idea too... (hmm, note to self: must get back to the British Museum before we leave London...)
    Oh, and it's a great pun. Love the puns :-)

    1. Aww, you warm my heart! I actually loved Frieze Frame, it came out so close to the way I'd envisioned it, and yeah...pun title! Bonus points for my brain. Thank you, darlin.
