
Thursday, October 24, 2013

RL and Writing Updates

Hey there, darlins.

Life update!  Well, and writing--I know my Letters lovers don't think I'm slacking, and you've no idea how much I appreciate your sentiments, but there's something to be said for putting it out there so you can get some accountability going.  I've got my readerwife for that too, and she's the best, but I'll do this too; I like having something to look back on and bemoan.

Life parts first: I'm going to a ridiculously posh Halloween party this weekend.  I somehow got invited by an old friend I haven't really talked to in years, and it's just...whoa.  Luxurious.  The theme--yeah, this is a themed Halloween party, wtf is this craziness?--is superstition, so I'm dressing up as though for the Day of the Dead.  Skull makeup, big hair, red and black corset, the works.  My man's going as a voodoo doll.  There will be pictures, I assure you.

PS, these aren't us.  Obviously.  Wait for it. :)

Okay, writing stuff.  Love Letters is due to wrap up in the next few weeks, and after that comes Cody's story.  My sweetheart is going off to the Federation Military Academy on Olympus, where he will be a total teenager away from home for the first time.  I'm looking forward to writing this, guys.

Then it's NaNoWriMo, and I'm dedicating a few thousand words a day to the sequel to Cambion, which is going to be serialized next year.  This is probably the last serial novel I'll write, at least for this press: you guys are used to a weekly format, but I got a lot of complaints from readers/reviewers about the disconnectedness of a monthly serial.  Which, I mean, they knew it was going to be before they started reading, but I understand wanting it all there at your fingertips so you don't have to pine for it.  So, yeah.  Last serial novel.

I've got 40k left to go on my tricked out fantasy novel, which has illegal magic and evil carnivals and very unexpected shapeshifting and what I think is a really delightful love story.  I'm going to try and get the rough draft done in November.

I've got a coauthored f/f werewolf novel that I'm wrapping up this month.  Yeah, f/f.  Only my second time writing it with any dedication, but I'm liking it.  Because, y'know, girls are awesome.

I've got the sequel to You Get Full Credit For Being Alive to write, which will probably take me about a month if I dedicate, and will have to be done in the new year.

Those are the set ones.  I've also got a few short stories for anthologies I'd like to do, have a f/f historical romance set in Venice that I've wanted to write forever, a kind of dark sci-fi fic that's calling to me, and possibly--maybe--perhaps--another contemporary.  And that's just the LGBTQ stuff, it doesn't even count the near sci-fi romance I want to get done before next September rolls around.  So.  This is what my head is like, darlings.  I get copious ideas, I play them out, string them along, act all coy with takes a while to get me to dedicate, but once I do I tend to get things done.

Plus holidays and family stuff!  I'm going to California for Thanksgiving this November, and probably to Illinois for Christmas.  Yay, Chicago in the wintertime.  I assume I should look forward to bitter coldness.

Okay, done.  Done!  Thanks for bearing with me.  Happy Thursday, guys.

PS--oh-oh, and self-pubbing The Captain.  Gotta get that to my editor.  Yikes.


  1. Wow! I'm exhausted just reading all that. LOL Glad you have some fun stuff in there.

    I will miss Ben and Ryan when you wrap them up but am excited to read Cody's story.

    1. You are awesome for continuing to read my stuff, babe. You get that? Awesome. Way to stick it out:)

  2. Sounds like you got some exciting stuff going on! :) I'll def. look forward to reading/reviewing another book by you! :D

    1. You particularly are the reason I'm laying things out like this. Your posts are both inspiring and frightening in their ambition. The funny thing is, it's not even ambitious because I know you can pull it all off. Bravissimo!

    2. Oh my, what a lovely compliment, I'm touched :) You can pull it off too! :D Because you are awesome like that!

  3. And you do all this while maintaining a day job! I am super impressed!

    1. That makes one of us, darlin! No, just kidding, I'm happy I've got it all working out, actually.

  4. Gee, it's a shame your life is so empty and boring. I look forward to seeing your costumes; they sound great, I also look forward to your future wriring. Remember to make time to eat and breath!

    1. I know, I'm so dull. I need to live vicariously through my characters to have any sort of life at all:) Eating? Breathing? Who needs it!


  5. Cool beans! Now to organize myself... :)

    1. Find your zen place of organization my dear, you can do it. Are you NaNoWriMo-ing this year?

  6. Cari, if you need anything Venice related, my parents moved close to Venice 2 years ago. So I have gone there quite a lot in the last years. I can send you pictures or for example tell you abbout the places the locals hang out.

    1. Ooh, Jana! Awesome! I would love pictures. I've been to Venice twice and adored it each time.
