
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Updated: It's Flooding Here...

Update: The rain has stopped for now and the water is going down, but it's still a bloody mess at my place.  My car is trapped at the top of the hill and getting it down will be perilous, there's a weakened culvert that could collapse at any time on the road below us, and I also brilliantly took out my own knee somehow, so now I'm limping around and not much good at the manual labor required to start getting past this.  I don't often need to take time outs to reassemble my life and pull myself back together, but now is looking like one of those time.  I'm sorry in advance if there's a delay with the next update for Love Letters, and while I've started the Cody story, there isn't enough of it to publish for you yet.  If I can't get a decent post together by Tuesday I'll give you a sneak peek at a story getting published next month in the Forgotten Menagerie anthology with Storm Moon Press.  Sorry, guys.  Life is weird.

Boulder County has gotten almost 7 inches in the past 24 hours, and that means flash floods.  The student housing next to the central creek in Boulder has been evacuated, and so has the place where I would normally work today, a senior living community with a large and complicated population.

Flooding pic from on campus last night

My man and I live up in the mountains, where you'd think there'd be less of a problem because of higher ground.  Hah!  No.  Let me share the wonders of this torrential rain with you.

This is our road.

This is the waterfall coming around the retaining wall, diverting water down our road so that it doesn't go straight into the house.

There's me standing next to where the other side of the retaining wall is failing, and the little sinkhole that's getting a little bigger every hour.

How Exciting!

Actually both exciting and scary.  Keep your fingers crossed for us, please.  We're pretty much trapped at home because the canyon leading to our road is having rockfall issues, and going into town wouldn't do much good anyway since the roads are a mess, so.  Hell, at least I'm not at work today.  Which, oh yeah, evacuated, so!  Holy crap!  I hope you all are doing great!


  1. This is awful! Stay safe please!!!

    1. I'm both genuinely nervous and a little scared. All this happened overnight, which makes me not want to go to sleep tonight in case our damn house gets washed away. I worry about boulders falling downhill, I worry about the road, I just...I'm worrying, and I hate worrying, but there's nothing for it right now. Meh. Thanks for the comment, hon, I'll do my best.

  2. Wow, that's scary! My thoughts will be with you tonight. Whether you sleep or not (understandable why you wouldn't) hope you stay safe and dry. And that the road doesn't get too badly damaged so you won't have to fight to get to the stores. :(

    1. Hi Tali

      Thanks for thinking of us. I reckon we'll be okay, although it's going to take some time. Things are pretty wrecked here. Not the house, though, that's the important thing.

  3. Yikes! I will keep a good thought for you and your fellow Boulderites. Stay safe!

  4. Hope all is well! Stay dry and be nice to your knee!!

    1. All is well, my dear, thank you. I'm trying to be nice, but the knee is kind of a bitch:) We need counseling.

  5. It looks pretty bad out there. Hope you're doing ok.

    1. Hi Meg

      Doing fine, especially now. There are lots of helicopters flying into the mountains, but we're pretty close to town, so we're good.

  6. Just saw the continuing disaster there on the news. I hope all is well with you. I am sending my best thoughts to everyone there.

    1. Thank you Avid! We're okay, I appreciate the thoughts and the note:)
