
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You Get Full Credit For Being Alive (LHNB)

It's Done!  Turned in, I can't touch it any more, fina-freakin-ly.  If all goes well I'll make a version of it available to everyone as soon as the original is posted to the Goodreads group.  Hopefully with a cool cover as well.  Thank you so much to the people who read and commented and helped me make this coherent, I appreciate you more than you know.

The story is called You Get Full Credit For Being Alive, and will be released sometime between June and July.  It's told from the perspective of a retired hit man who finds a dying cop behind his house and chooses to save his life.  There are guns, disguises, hurt/comfort, angry Quebecois women, intensive therapy, bad carpentry and even some sex in the mix:)  I posted the beginning last month on the blog if you're interested: LHNB story.

I'm so happy to have this done.  I've got a lot of writing to do, some of it even the kind that pays, and yet I can't resist doing free fiction.  Some people do it to get their name out there, some people do it because they're bored; I do it mostly because I love my readers and also, I can't resist a good prompt.  I'm a prompt junkie, just ask my readerwife.  Full Credit is almost 40k words long, over a hundred pages.  Again, sooo happy it's done.  Now I can concentrate on episode 5 of Cambion, and on more Love Letters, of course.

Pictures that inspired me along the way:

the original, obviously awesome

I found a couple of guys to use as mental models as well:

Justin, my assassin/savior

Shawn, my cop/survivor

Because they're both hot and cute, holy shit.  Anyway!  I'm just rambling now, sorry, it's late and I'm all...whoa.  Yeah.  Sleep well, darlins.



  1. Hooray! Congrats on another completed story!

    I'm so glad you participate in the Goodreads event. Its one of the best things the M/M group does and so FUN for us readers :-)

  2. Girl, your suggestion changed my life. And my brain! Because now I can't stop thinking about contemporary story ideas, and ARGH! I blame you, Tiffany, for expanding my boundaries so far I now can't focus on spec. fic. Don't worry, it's a good blame.


    1. Changing lives :-) All in a day's work for a readerwife! lol

  3. Congrats on finishing another great work! And I want to let you know that while having medical issues and unable to work that I greatly appreciate you posting free reads for us! Your gift being shared with us is truly that, a gift! And I thank you! You already know that you are one of my absolute favorite authors, and when I get back to work I'll be able to support you more by purchasing your books!

    1. I'm glad my work gives you access to something you otherwise couldn't afford right now, hon. I wish I could write even more.

