
Monday, March 4, 2013

Quick Update and Contest on TRR

Hi darlins

First off, I've got to say I am so, so pleased you're enjoying Love Letters.  When I write for the blog I'm more of a pantser than a plotter, and the fact that the story's coherent enough to keep you interested makes me happy:)  For the patiently or not so patiently waiting, another installment is ready to go tomorrow, and I'm considering adding snippets now and again of secondary information, maybe pics of people I could see being the guys, etc.  I don't know how people feel about that, whether you like to have your own vision or enjoy seeing other people's ideas, so let me know.

Second thing, it's The Romance Reviews' 2nd Anniversary party, and I signed up to contribute a prize!  Follow the link and answer a question about one of my stories (if you've read Opening Worlds or Changing Worlds, you're good) and you could win a copy of Cambion Ep. 1.  Episode 2 comes out on the 8th, so this is a good time to catch up if you're interested.  Here's the link: The Romance Reviews.  You have to scroll down to find my question, they have a lot of authors participating and a lot of chances for you to win things, so.  Just sayin'.

Let's see, anything else...both my serials (Love Letters and Cambion) are progressing.  I'm writing a story for the Forgotten Menagerie anthology at Storm Moon Press--it isn't done and hasn't been accepted yet, but I live in hope:)  I've got a novella planned for a submission call at Riptide, I'm working on another mainstream urban fantasy book, and my man just started grad school, so we're busy. 

More Love Letters tomorrow!


  1. I love to see pics of what the writer thinks the characters look like. I always have a hard time visualizing them.

    1. Hi Kenyetta!

      Pictures, got it. Expect one tomorrow.

  2. Pics would be awesome :-) It can be helpful to put a more realistic face on a character.

  3. Replies
    1. And I like the pictures you like (your blog is so lovely). Pictures, then. Done and done.

  4. I thought of you when I saw Elysium at the cinema a few months ago - Matt Damon's character's best friend looked almost exactly how I've always imagined Wyl. The actor's name is Diego Luna - I was going to mention it to you at the time but didn't want to seem presumptuous! But I'd love to know if he looks anything like how you imagine Wyl :-)

    1. Diego Luna was the best part of that movie:) I actually really like him for Wyl, that's a great suggestion. You got me thinking about it and now I've gone and posted story set in that universe again, oy, mentioning Wyl is like a gateway drug to that part of my brain.

    2. [fangirl squeee]
      You know I'm never going to complain if you want to write more Wyl... although I've just read Love Letters from start to Boxing Day in one sitting and I'm now as in love with Ben & Ryan as I am with the Paradise boys :-)

    3. You read FAST, girl! Although I don't know why this is news to me, it's not like I don't follow your reviews. I'm so excited for your novel!
