
Monday, March 25, 2013

A Few Fun Things

This is just a quickie post because my serial got a new review this morning that's enough to make me squeal and clap my hands like a cliched caricature of a happy child!

Lisa T at Attention Is Arbitrary already reviewed the first episode and followed up today with a breakdown of the second, which was lovely and flattering and makes me breathe a sigh of relief.

4 Sexy Hot M/M PNR Stars
I’m totally hooked! Episode 2 clinched this serial for me. The slowly building relationship between Rio and Dev is wrapped with graphically gratifying, sexy treats and sweetness. So Hot! The great twisted, action-adventure/mystery going on is developing well too.
I love how the Cambion element erases all sense of “inappropriateness” for Devon…and me. Expecting him to refrain from sex would be like asking a dog to stop sniffing around. It’s just what he does, naturally. And he “does it”, naturally, very well.

If you've been riding the fence about checking out the serial, this might tip you over the edge.  You can find the rest of her review here: Cambion Episode 2: Black Magic Woman

Something else I have to plan for and look forward to this week: Joseph Dogbevi, a Togolese native and a friend of mine and my man's from our Peace Corps stint, is coming to visit us over Easter weekend.  He won the visa lottery a year ago and went from Togo to Madison, Wisconsin, and apart from freaking out over the weather (what the hell is all this SNOW!!!!)he's doing pretty well.  We haven't seen him since we left Togo, and are looking forward to the reunion.

He gets in on Wednesday, and will probably be a major distraction from writing (not a bad thing).  We're lucky I schedule the Love Letters posts for Tuesday, huh.


1 comment:

  1. I read Episode 2 today :-) This story just keeps getting better! Also, I totally had to Google 'Tesoro Mio'. So sweet! You learn something new everyday :-)

    Happy Saturday!
