
Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Super Short Notice V-Day Contest!-(is over:)

Aww, it's Valentine's Day!  And it's my anniversary! (For the paperwork--we ended up having to have a ceremony anyway because my mother threatened to cry/dismember me).  Feel the love!

It's been a good week so far, the first episode of my serial story has gotten some great reviews.

At The Armchair ReaderI’m really excited about what is to come this first season of the serial. Devon seems like he can easily get into all kinds of trouble and Rio can always get him out. And the chemistry they have together is explosive. What I really loved was how funny I found this to be, mostly in tone. The point of view comes from both Devon and Rio, so we get a different variation on the scene depending on who is narrating, but what their voices both have in common is a kind of nonchalance for the violence they cause. That detachment struck me as funny for some reason, in a bit of a Tarantino way. And combined with the fact that everything Devon does is tinged with sex, made for a unique and well-written story. I’m just glad that it’s only the beginning!

And by Lisa at Attention Is Arbitrary: I was impressed by the energy and excitement of the action scenes. The smoothness of Rio’s killer confidence makes me want to be behind him in any gun battle. Another highlight is the anticipation of a sexual encounter between Rio and Devon. Unfortunately the steamy build up was better than the act itself. I’m not saying it was a total let down, but I needed to ‘see’ more. That being said I realize this is a serial and we can’t have it all too soon. The fact that I want to see more gritty detail really says it all, right?

Action, excitement, fun, humor, semi-casual violence and sexiness.  All for you, all for 99 cents if you just want to try it out.  But you don't even have to pay today.  All you have to do is drop me a comment on, oh, anything, and at the end of the day (tomorrow morning, actually, since this is so bloody short notice) I'll pick a name out of the hat and send the lucky winner a copy of Episode One.  You get an extra entry if you follow me on Twitter (, I just need to know your handle), or if you visit Pants Off Reviews and comment on my post there today: Cari Z at Pants Off Reviews, or if you follow me on my blog here! 

If you win and you've already bought Episode One, or are in the mood for something else, my backlist is available to you as well.  You happy makes me happy:)


  1. Replies
    1. I love it when only a few people compete, because I get to do whatever I want:) Email me at and I'll send it to you, darlin'. :)

  2. I have and loved it. Can't wait for more.

    1. I'm so glad you loved it, LonelyBoy! And you reached out and let me know, so...pick a story! Anything out of my backlist that interests. Email me at and I'll send it along.

  3. *sigh* too bad I missed it. I was sick this past weekend and now just catching up. I had hope to get the full season soon but I might have to wait a bit. Still looking for a job.
