
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Let's talk about an upcoming story, shall we? I just got the cover for by serial novel Cambion: Dark Around The Edges, and it's gorgeous, isn't it?  It's done by Nathie, the same artist at Storm Moon Press who did the cover for Changing Worlds.  The title for each individual episode will appear on the right, in the wing space.
I'm still working on the blurb, but give this a try:
 In Cambion, Devon is the child of an incubus and a human woman, and his life has been a continual struggle to control the seductive powers he possesses. He thought he was finally safe, but now a demon has Devon in his sights, as Devon is the key that demon needs to leave Hell behind forever.

I mentioned before that this is a spin-off of my LiAW story In All Your Ways, which you can get here for free. Once I've got a finalized release date, and pricing info for people who are interested, I'll post an excerpt of the story and see if I can't whet some appetites:) 

In other news, my readerwife read and heartily approved the first chapter of the next serial story for the blog.  I'm going to primp and polish it and make it as perfect as possible before posting it here next Tuesday.  Yay approbation!


  1. Am I right in assuming there might be one or two characters from In All Your Ways that make an appearance in Cambion? Exciting!

    I thought In All Your Ways was good and quite different from your usual themes. Cambion should be an interesting read :-)

    1. They will make an appearance, but not until the 3rd episode, which comes out in April, I think. I hope you like this one; it's not nearly as religious in tone as In All Your Ways, but I still make liberal use of the iconography.

  2. Cool! I loved In All Your Ways. I love serials...

    1. I'm glad you do! I hope this one works for you:)
