
Monday, December 17, 2012

New Release Today!

This is the final little post, we'll be back to normal programming tomorrow, darlins...

I have a new release today!  It's a novella called The Solstice Gift--you can find it here: Solstice Gift at Total E-Bound publishing.  It's the story of a changeling doing his best to survive in the Unseelie Court.  Would you like to know more?  Well read on:)

How long can a human survive in the treacherous court of the winter fae, when even his allies are fighting for their lives? Dis is a changeling, a human stolen away from his own world as a child by the vicious winter fae. He's survived to adulthood through a combination of luck and careful oversight by his only ally, a fairy lord named Marten, but his success might have finally reached its end. It's the winter solstice, and Oberon's court is preparing for a hunt with a history of bloodshed, one that requires Dis to be an unwilling participant. Even if Dis lives through that, he's being watched by the king of the fae himself, and no one can save him if Oberon has marked him for sacrifice.

This is one of four novellas following the same general theme--Oberon's Court--being released today on Total E-Bound's website.  They all have the same cover, but they're all very different. 

I hope that the interested people enjoy mine!  Tomorrow I'll post the next part for Pandora, so look out for it, guys.  Take it easy on this extremely windy Monday.


  1. Congrats on another new release! Sounds really interesting and I'm hoping to be able to buy it after the holidays :-)

    1. Aw, girl, and I meant to do a contest, and I forgot! Because that's just how I'm rolling these days, arg. Anyway, thank you for the congrats, and it is pretty interesting if I do say so:) Hopefully I'll remember the actual contest for the next one.
