
Monday, December 3, 2012

Awesome News!

Hi darlins!

This post is going to end up somewhere between general update and OMGYay!!!  Why the excitement, you wonder?  Well, mostly because Changing Worlds just won 2nd place in the gay sci fi/fantasy category of the 2012 Rainbow Awards.  OMG!  Yay!

Another Storm Moon Press title, Aliens, Smith and Jones by Blaine Arden, received and Honorable Mention in the same category.  I am so proud.  You can find all the winners of the various categories here: 2012 Rainbow Awards.
This is the first award my writing has ever won, and that makes it especially sweet.  Changing Worlds was my first full-fledged novel too, and I learned a lot about the writing process and how to make things better while I was working on it.  I hope that my future works will benefit from those lessons, and that my writing just gets better and more satisfying for my readers.  I would still write even if no one else read anything I ever put down on paper, but the fact that you do, and that you enjoy it, makes me so happy, you have no idea.  So thank you for your support, darlings.  If anyone hasn't read Changing Worlds and might like to give it a go, you can get it here: Changing Worlds at Storm Moon Press.
Other stuff.  Hmm...a lovely reader has nominated Changing Worlds for two categories in the upcoming Goodreads M/M Romance Group member choice awards, in the Sci Fi/Futuristic/Post-Apocalyptic genre and also for Best World Created.  The voting starts on December 10th, and I'd love your support.  Winning things isn't necessary, but it's kinda nice:)  You can find out more about the group and the awards here: Goodreads M/M Romance Group.
Jesus, aren't I done yet?  No, not quite:)  Two more things: first, the next part of Paradise is probably going to go up on Thursday, since I have to spend most of tomorrow running around getting errands done for my mom, who lives overseas and is relying on me to be her gofer.  Second, I have a new release coming out this month (freakin' finally, right?) titled The Solstice Gift.  I'm going to run some sort of contest here for a giveaway a little later, but if you want to preorder it you get a 10% discount.  It's got Winter Fae and changelings and dangerous hunts and Calydonian boar...yes, you can tell I'm an afficionado of the Greek myths, can't you?  I'll post an excerpt shortly.  You can get more info here:  The Solstice Gift.
Holy crap, last thing: I'm going to be updating my damn website soon.  F*cking HTML, I will conquer you!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, my brain just sort of friend for a second. Anyways, Cari, congratulations. I loved Changing Worlds.

    1. Thanks, hon! And our brains can be fried together. It's that kind of morning.

  3. Congrats!! I'm all in on the fried brain thing. Yum!! ;)

    1. Scottie, babe! Somehow I knew you would be down with it:)

    2. Hehe brains, trains, m/m erotica with a plot...all goes together, right? Lol
      Hope you got all your errands done! :) tuesday is a rough day ugh.

  4. Congrats girl! Changing Worlds is awesome :-)

    1. Thanks, hon! I was so happy I shrieked like a little girl! Oh wait...I sort of am.

  5. I loved Changing Worlds! I'm so glad you won something for it. I understand about rough days. It's been a rough month for me. I will be voting in the Goodreads MM Romance member choice awards. :)

    1. Hey darlin, thanks for the support and the upcoming votes:) I'm sorry the month has been hard on you. Those times do seem to occur despite the best of planning and intentions, guh. I hope things are getting better for you now.

  6. Congratulations! I hope this was the first of many awards to come :-)
