
Monday, December 31, 2012

Aaaand...cue the New Year!

So, it's New Year's Eve.  Except in Australia, where it might already be the brand new year.  *stares besottedly at the time machine that is Australia*  Nevertheless, here it's still the day before, and it's a bit of a tradition for me to lay out some things that I want to accomplish in the next year.  Not resolutions, because I'm shit at personal resolve in many, many arenas, but I like to use positive public pressure to help me get things done, are a few things I'm hoping for in the New Year, insofar as my writing is concerned.

I want to get some self-publishing done.  I've got The Captain coming soon, and I want to learn Photoshop so I can do covers and media myself for future projects.  I am not a technological genius, so this is going to take some effort.  Yay.

I want to keep up with providing good, exciting, continually free content here on my blog and posted to Literotica and places like it.  Free stories are the best way I've found to get new readers, and I only plan to continue offering them up for your edification:)

I have new projects to get off the ground, including a serial novel that I hope pleases people.  It's a continuation of In All Your Ways, kind of.  It's...well, more on that later.

I've got a historical lesbian novel set in 16th century Venice in the works.  No, I haven't written a lot of f/f fiction, well noted, but that can and will change this year.  New things!  New things are coming!


Lastly, it's a personal goal of mine to co-author something this next year.  I don't know what, and I don't know with who, but I do know that it's something I've been wanting to try for a long time.  I got close in the past but things fell through, and honestly I'm just too shy to ask with any ease.  But I'm going to try to get over myself and make something happen.

There's more, but I think this is enough for now.  Anyone else got big plans, personal or professional, for 2013?  Share with me, I love it when we share!  And I wish all of you a very Happy New Year, and remember to check in tomorrow sometime if you're not too hung over, there should be more Paradise.  Eventually.  We're approaching the end of that story...where, oh where, to go next...


  1. Lots of fun I see in the 2013 future. Sounds great!

    1. Yes, there will be fun had by all. Stay tuned! Happy 2013!

  2. Wishing you a very Happy New Year and much success with your new writing ventures, especially with your possible co-authorship goal!!

    1. Thank you! The co-authoring thing is the one I'm most nervous about, obviously, but I think it'll work out. Happy 2013, darlin!
