
Thursday, October 25, 2012

* Updated* Damn It, Will Robinson!

Okay, so my laptop looks to be going on the fritz again.  Power and connection issues, this thing is a real kinky machine.  I'm not sure how long it will take to fix.  It could be done by this evening, I could be languishing for longer. *sigh*  In the meantime, I'm gonna save my battery.  Damn it, damn it, damn it.  Sorry.  It's just today is my day off, it snowed 4 inches overnight, I have a cup of tea and a fuzzy blanket and everything, and now my nearly favorite toy is broken again.

Help me, mechanically inclined husband-man.  You're my only hope.

***My husband is the Dr. Frankenstein of gadgetry.  He pulled out his soldering iron, screwdrivers, shrink-tubing, friendly plastic and an entirely new plug setup and proceeded to make my computer sing for him.  Yes, it looks a little odd now (I have three inches of yellow cord sticking out of the original plug) but it works, and that's what's really important here.  In exchange, I made him banana bread (yeah, I realize it's disgustingly domestic, but whatever, it's cold and snowy and he's awesome.  I won't even relate how much other stuff I got done while unable to use my computer, because it would make me feel inadequate at life).

So!  That's awesome.  Also, I'm a reviewer now at Bending The Bookshelf, and my first review is up today!  The novel is called Acclamation, and if you want to happily drown in gorgeous description and slow romance, read it.  If you don't have time for pages and pages of internal monologuing, don't.  Check out the review for more details.

Finally, 8 inches of snow!  I hope it continues.  I'm living off a well now, and the last thing I want to do is haul water (been there, done that, not going back if I can help it).

Happy Friday to you, whatever your weather.


  1. I feel your pain because I am completely undone without my laptop. We had a major power outage over the summer that lasted for nine hours, and I was in serious withdrawal. Just make sure you backed everything up so you don't lose it.

    1. The first thing I did was back things up. I am hopeless without my laptop, it's like my drug. Sad but true.

  2. Hooray! Super Hubs to the rescue! Was there ever any doubt that he could fix it? ;-)

    Glad you are back online :-) Pretty cool that you are a reviewer now. I'll have to swing by the site and check it out.

    The weather in TN is fabulous (sunny, low humidity, 79 degrees) but likely won't last much longer. I'm hosting a bonfire tonight so I will be taking advantage of the nice cool fall night.

    Happy weekend!

    1. Oh, you TN people you, bragging away:) And yes, my man continues his crusade to be awesome. Lucky for me, as I keep on breaking the damn laptop.

  3. Delighted you're back up and running!

    1. Angry! I'm delighted as well. Delighted and fortunate. Productive...that's still up in the air:)

  4. Hauling water?!?! I don't speak that language...


    1. Neither does anyone else in my immediate family any more. I'm the only one with the strange fetish for roughing it, and even then I have my limits:)
