
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Omg, we're finally moving...

My fingers are trying to spontaneously curl forward thanks to three days spent schlepping boxes and furniture into our new house.  Everything that you remember as painful when you've moved yourself: arms, hands, back knees...yeah.  Feelin' that.  This is the first time in over three years that all of our belongings have been in the same place at one time.  I had no idea we owned so much crap.

On the plus side, I'm living in a great big beautiful house, I have access to my library again and I have carte blanche to walk around in the nude whenever I want (TMI?) because this house is in the mountains and we have no close neighbors and no housemates.  Freedom!!!  On the minus side, the contractor forgot to do a few things, like seal off the base of the shower, fix the electrical outlets in the bedroom, and ensure that the heat not only turns on, but that it turns off as well.  He refuses to fix such things until he talks to the owners of the newly refurbished house, who live in Germany and are working in Alsace for the next two weeks, rendering them unavailable.  So.  My own personal Mr. Fix-It is plotting ways around this obstructionism and I'm just trying to get internet installed.  If I'm mostly absent for the next few days, that's why.  It's surprisingly difficult to get certain amenities in the mountians.

I'll attach a picture of the new place when I can find my camera; so pretty!  In the meantime, I'll have more Paradise love up soon and will discuss my upcoming serial story.  Mmm...serial. 

And PS--hard labor has its perks!  A couple of boulders rolled onto our access road (yes, actual boulders, big rocks that weighed hundreds of pounds, this is where we live now) and it fell to us to move them with rock bars, break them up with sledge hammers and for me to ogle my man wielding said implements.  All this equals a free peepshow for me.  Gotta love it:)


  1. Oh congratulations! A new house is sooo exciting. And living in the mountains? I would love to do that. Give me fresh mountain air and pine trees and I would be the happiest of people.

    1. Well then, you would be freaking ecstatic if you lived in this plac!) Close enough to town that we get all the Boulder amenities, surrounded by open space, with pine trees and deer and foxes and baby badgers...not making this up, we actually have badgers's a mountain Disneyland. I'll happily show it off to you the next time you're in Boulder:)

  2. Sweeeet! Glad you guys finally get to make the move. I totally sympathize with all your moving day aches and pains. Been there, done that, no wish to repeat it any time soon. And living apart from neighbors will be so nice! The closest mountains to me are a hour away but I do enjoy "livin' in the country" here in TN. I'm close enough to Knoxville that I can get pizza delivery but far enough away from others that hubs and I can shoot our guns in the backyard and no one calls the sheriff. ;-) If living in the mountains equals more peepshows in the future for you, I think you will be very very happy :-)

    1. Hey, darlin!

      Yeah, we've moved way too much over the years, but we should be here for quite some time (until my folks retire and come back to the states from Germany). I plan to make the most of it. I can't quite get away with shooting my guns in the backyard (this is still Boulder, after all:) but the solitude is nice.
