
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Oh Cari...really?

So here I am editing together The Captain stories into one volume to make available to you guys...

Yay, right?  Fun story, my first every posted, I haven't read it for years, this is gonna be great!

Except then I get into the nuts and bolts, and...

Oh my god, grammar, woman!  Punctuation!  Mother of God, did you not attend college?  Don't you know the difference between "to" and "too?"  Did you even read this before you posted it the first time? 

Which, of course, I did, but as this was my very first story to be publically posted anywhere, and I was a total noob, I didn't get it beta'd.  I should have.  Oy.  I'm finding it hard to resist the urge to restrict myself to only technical and not substantive rewrites.  Guess I just need to write another part.  Incidentally, there will be an epilogue of sorts added onto the end of the completed story.

Also...I have grown as a writer and a human being.  I know I need a beta.  Readerwife, prepare to be mobbed.  Any other interested parties, let me know.  I want this to be good before I pay for a cover and get my peeps to help me massage it into different file formats for public consumption.

Happy Tuesday, people.


  1. Don't let it get you down Cari! Like all writers, your style and ability will change the more you write. Not long ago I was in a used book store and I picked up an out-of-print book by one of my favorite authors EVER. Though I love many of her books, it was SO hard to finish reading because it was one of the first she ever published and it was lacking many of the elements I'd grown to love in her books. It wasn't a bad was just SO different from what I'd grown used to. I imagine this is the case with most writers. If they could go back and revise their first novels they would probably just want to start completely over.

    Its a good thing to go back once in a while though and see how far you've come as an author. Grammar mistakes aside, The Captain will always be one of my favorites. I just like the story and the characters so much.

    Feel free to send my way anything you'd like me to read over :-)

    1. I know you're right, it's just one of those things you have to accept and ignore as you piece it all together, but...sheesh:) I'm glad you continue to enjoy it, hon. I'll get it to you pretty soon, I'm on the last third of revisions.

      You are probably the best cheerer-upper ever, btw. Your students are likely all ridiculously spoiled and happy with you.

  2. Hey, it happens. As long as you can go back and change things before it hits the big time, that's all that really matters. (And once you take them down off Lit for publishing, who is going to know?)

    1. Ah, there's the rub. Taking them off lit...I don't know, I like having free stuff for people, which makes me kind of bad at marketing myself. oy. Anyway, the goal is to have something nice to give away. Perfection is just perception:)

  3. I have to say as a seasoned browser of Literotica content, I've read my fair share of awful (usually not for very long though). But I must say that despite any grammatical errors or your perceived structural errors I do on occasion reread your Captain series because the plot is excellent and the characters are compelling. As such, I'd say that for your first piece of semi-public fiction you were ahead of the curve. If the plot isn't good, I can't bear to finish it no matter how good the writing is. As such, sign me up for any beta-ing endeavors your might require test subjects for. I am a former tutor and I would love to help out in any way I can.

    1. Well thanks, angrydisaster! I'm glad it met with overall approval. I'd definitely like to use you as a beta, so be prepared for an email in the near future.


    2. Angry, I need your email! I'm

  4. I agree with angrydisaster - if that was your first post you were way ahead of the curve!
