
Thursday, September 13, 2012

New Cover and post-conference news!

Hey darlins

First off, I got the cover for my story The Solstice Gift coming out in December, and it is so beautiful I have to share.  My story is part of an anthology, but it seems like it still gets its own cover, which, okay!  No bitching from this corner!

Oooohh!!!  Niiiiice!!!

In other news, the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer's conference was a hell of a learning experience.  Fun, because I met so many interesting people (and believe me, any circumstance where I'm not the most awkward person in the room is both rare and entertaining to me) and challenging, because I learned a lot about the publishing industry, writing craft and getting an agent, which I need to do.  So.  Lots of connections, lots of people with similar interests and goals, and even one erotica author to chat with (love you, Thea!).  I'll let you guys know if anything concrete comes of this experience.

And yes, more Paradise is on deck.


  1. Oooooh la la! Nice cover! Will we get another blurb or excerpt before this release? I remember you posted an excerpt a loooooong time ago (okay, maybe not THAT long....but it seems like ages). Super excited about this story!

    Kudos on a successful conference! You rock :-)

    1. I'll definitely blurb/excerpt you again, it has been a long time and I'm pretty lackadaisical about my tagging. It's a good story, kind of off-beat. My editor commented on the fact that it was very different from the other submissions they were getting for the antho, and it leads perfectly into the sister anthology. Aaanyway...

      Thanks for the kudos, lovely girl. Who's awesome? You're awesome:)
