
Monday, August 13, 2012

New and Refurbished

Hey darlins!  I have two new releases this week.  Lets discuss, shall we?

The first one is my short story Having A Ball in the Dreamspinner Press anthology Animal Magnetism.  The ball refers to a ball...python.  Yes, I went for the obvious porn angle, but can you blame me?  Animals are the theme, am I going to pick a fluffy kitty?  A flopsy bunny?  Hell no!  Pythons all the way!  That being said, the story is more sweet than anything else, and I think you're going to like it.  Find the anthology here:

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Whether it's a dog, cat, or something more exotic, the animals in this collection of romantic m/m stories serve as the catalyst for bringing lovers together. No matter how the encounter begins, by the end of each story, with a little help from their finned, furred, or feathered friends, our heroes have discovered some animal magnetism of their own.

The other new release is actually a compilation of my Treasured series, with Daniel and Reese.  It's called Pursued (thanks to Tiffany for the title:) and includes all three novellas, and while I didn't have the time to edit them into one solid, cohesive novel, it's still a nice way to get all three stories at once, and a good introduction for people who haven't read about these guys before.  Which is a shame, because they're awesome, and you should!  Now is your chance.  Carpe diem!  You can find Pursued at Pink Petal Books, here: 

What began as a chance encounter in a museum for Daniel Hart and Rhys Daveth blossomed, sometimes painfully, into a romance that spanned continents, endured secrets and defied danger. The pair of men couldn't be more different; one a scholar, dedicated to preserving the past, and the other a shape-shifting thief bent on stealing history for his own gain. Their road together was never easy, but in the end love proved too strong for their warring inclinations to conquer. This is their story.


  1. Just bought the anthology to read during my weekend road trip :-) Several of the blurbs have intrigued me. I'll let you know what I think! Happy Friday!

    1. I hope it satisfies, darlin. I'm still working through it myself, we can compare notes:) Happy road trip!
