
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?

Hey there, darlins.

I've got my second Love is Always Write story posted on the goodreads m/m group page here: Frieze Frame.  I think you've got to be a member to see it there, but I'll make it available on my website soon (I've been neglecting that poor thing).  I've got a story in Animal Magnetism coming out next month, as well as a compilation of the Treasured series.  After that there's nothing concrete that I have to have done until November.  Break time!

Just kidding, but only kind of.  I'm still planning on plying you guys with new vignettes, around one a week if it's short, a little longer if it's extensively multi-parted.  I'm working my ass off to synopsize my urban fantasy novel and get decent query letters together for agents (a necessary process, but one I'm unabashedly freaked out over).  I'm working on a sequel to Different Spheres that I hope to have done in time to come out this Christmas.  And as far as new work goes...I don't know.  Lots of ideas, but none of them are screaming at me saying, "Omigod, I am The One!  I am your Muse!  I AM BATMAN!!!"

This isn't quite a real-life rant, but it skirts the edges.  I wrote a random post on my personal existential confusion a while back that I deleted in a fit of embarrassment a few hours later, but for those of you who caught it, yeah.  Still feelin' that.  Like I'm on the verge of getting started on something big, I just can't get the momentum going.  Oh well.  All will work out.

In the meantime I can take solace in Garrett and Jonah, who are easy to write, fun, sexy and complicated enough to visit over and over again.  More on them soon.  Feel free to inject me with shots of inspiration or enthusiasm if you're feeling it, and maybe if I'm lucky you'll rub off on me.  You dirty little minxes...


  1. YAAAAY! Enthusiasm for Garrett and Jonah I can certainly give you!! :D As for inspiration, I saw someone mention before about Garrett taking his boys home to meet the family and think that would be a phenomenal story! That would be a long one though, I think. No way to keep that short and sweet. Well, short anyways! Lol

    1. True, that will be a long one, and I should probably get on it:) It was originally the first one I had intended to do, but the plan for the story changed. Thanks for the enthusiasm!

  2. Yes! The meet-the-family story is a must! I hope your Muse starts screaming at you again soon :-)

    1. If the muse doesn't scream at me soon, I'll just scream at myself until I'm inspired!

    2. I know I have expressed my desire in the past to see more historical fiction from you (a la 'The Captain') but I will suggest it once again in the interest of beating a dead horse. I know historical fiction takes a lot of research and planning, and maybe that's why you haven't done more yet, BUT I *LOVE* it and I thought you did such a phenomenal job with 'The Captain'! It was the very first story of yours I read and thus, my love for your work began! Soooo.....I hope that someday your muse will lead you back toward historical.

    3. Hmm, I did a brief scene a while back with those gentlemen...perhaps I will give it to you, if I can polish it up a bit, and see what you think of it. I do love the time gotta be in the zone for a good historical, but I might could go there:) Thanks, darlin!

  3. I guess my only bit of advice is to not be afraid. That if the ideas aren't coming or you don't like what you're writing, it's okay to put the "pen and paper" down and take a step back- no one's going to judge you and judging yourself is counterproductive... Do something else!! Start adventuring, be it going into a new shop or taking a different route to work or watching some random movie Netflix "thinks" you'll like.

    Give yourself the freedom to embrace the peaks and valleys in your journey and revel in the experience. Sometimes you just have to take all of your clothes off and dance naked in the living room.

    1. Are you a therapist, Ely? Maybe a guru? Because you are giving such good advice that I feel I should be paying you for it...

      Thanks for saying the words, doll. Things are coming together, and I'm looking into random adventures:)
