
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lemme Explain, Baby...

This is just the deep breath of vacation-over-back-home, darlins, I'm posting the follow up to Pandora asap, I swear!  Should be tomorrow barring a heart attack or more family issues.  I ended up scrapping the vignette I was working on and going with something a little easier to start--since these are sort of 3-view snapshots of their lives, there's lots of material to work with.  You're going to like the one I picked to start with, promise!  I know you're waiting (im)patiently and I love you for it.

In other news, our vacation was packed with the good, the less good and the oh my god, why???  The first day was great, we went to an aquarium, visited a brewery and climbed on a concrete dock that made it all the way to Newport, Oregon from Japan.

There's a hole in the far right corner of it that I climbed into, naturally, because I have no sense of self preservation.  It was mostly empty inside, with about 4 feet of water obscuring the bottom of it.  Sounds dull, but it was cool at the time.  I mean, beachside spelunking!  What's not to love?

The second day we went shooting, where I learned the wisdom of not smokin' my father in law with the Smith & Wesson, because he's a good guy but he's macho as hell.  Then there were fireworks, which rocked, and pie, the combination of which made me ridiculously happy.

The rest of it was busy but banal, for the most part.  Anyway, now we're back and I'm going to do my damndest to get this vignette to you fast.  I hope your holiday week was as good as mine, unless it wasn't a holiday for you, in which case I hope it was a killer week regardless.


  1. GO CARI!!! Glad you had a good vacation. I suspected you might be pretty handy with a gun ;-)

    1. Funny enough, I'm way better with rifles and black powder weapons--comes from having a historian for a father. But I love me some S&W:)

  2. What's the story behind the concrete dock?!

    1. Apparently it washed up on Agate Beach about a month ago, and a little research showed that it very likely tore free from Japan during the tsunami. Somehow it made it all the way across the ocean. It's hollow inside, so maybe air pockets helped it stay afloat. Anyway, no one knows what to do with it yet, so it's just out there on the beach with some No Trespassing signs on it, which obviously are wildly effective. It's something like 20x20x10 feet. Crazy weird.
