
Friday, June 15, 2012


Tomorrow, I give you the end of Cinders! Today...well, today is almost special but not quite special enough for that.  Hmm...what can I give you today?

How about a fusion of art, taxidermy, technology and sheer horror?  My husband saw this and had to share. 

It actually flies, baby! And look, the wiring wouldn't be too hard to--

No, sweetheart.


Really. No formerly living animals turned into flying, rolling or jumping machines.  Or machines of any kind.  *The scary/funny thing is, my man is a scientist/enginerd, he could probably actually do this.  And then the PETA would skin him alive.*


  1. THe cat looks bewildered, wondering what he did in his life of snoozing, eating and litter boxes, to deserve such an afterlife...

    1. Exactly. It's gone to the great cat god in the sky, literally, and hates every minute of it:)

  2. Ha! I am also frequently the voice of reason in my house. Currently my husband is building a mega wood-chipper of his own design. He's outdoors welding parts of it together as we speak. Unfortunately, I couldn't talk him out of that project...much as I tried:-( I should be grateful that he has no interest in taxidermy! Although taxidermy is much less likely to cause him bodily harm than a homemade wood chipper.

    I shudder to think what he would come up with if I wasn't here to tell him 'No, honey' my teacher voice of course :-)

    1. I know. When it comes to mechanical projects I give my man pretty much free rein--he really is very good at it. But I gotta draw the line somewhere:) A wood chipper, huh? Stay safe:)

    2. Building a wood chipper is some project...

    3. I know, once blades and engines get involved I would be drawing back a little, but Tiffany is clearly awesome and lets her husband have his huge and dangerous toys:) That's love!
