
Monday, June 18, 2012

Exploding Into 30

So.  Thirty happened.  It was a blast.


No really, it was pretty good!  My dad visited, I ate out at a fancy restaurant, I got lots of lovely birthday wishes and some very thoughtful gifts...all around, a good time.  But now I'm the big 3-0, and feeling like I need to accomplish something, because this is what adults do.  Accomplish stuff.  So I'm going to be thinking a lot about what that means, exactly, and will get back to you when I figure something out.  Maybe an epic. But whatever it is, I'll make you proud!

I was all set to bitch and moan about what my next blog writing project should be, and then a helping mind suggested a follow-up to Pandora.  And I thought, totally!  Because I'd love to write some from Cody's perspective now that he's got two parents, one of whom is Garrett.  I want to see Daddy Garrett come out and play!  So that's where I'm at.  The next story installment to come knocking will be a Pandora epilogue, maybe longer if it really speaks to me.  Cinders was weird and fun and I'm happy I did it, but Pandora is a much more comfortable world to play with.  Any other suggestions, throw them out here while I'm amenable and ambitious!

Next up in the publishing world is probably another free story with Love is Always Write.  After that, nothing until August.  Breathe...

*cake image courtesy of Supernatural:)


  1. First of all, love the idea of a Pandora continuation. I would've thrown it out as a suggestion, but wasn't sure if it is completely annoying to have readers want stories to continue on forever (I rarely want that, but the story is pretty epic-ly awesome)... that being said, you also have potential stories in Isidore and maybe even Steven!!

    Second, I had to google "pinkies" 'cause I couldn't figure out what you were writing about in your story excerpt, and I could be traumatized now by the images of pink dead mice. In a plastic bag. That look like a MASS of pinkies.

    Thirdly, thank you for this post because after I scrolled down to read the end of Cinders (bravo, by the way) I felt like that dead flying cat was staring at me...

    And, lastly HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    1. hi Ely

      It's hard to put Pandora down. I've been obsessed with this particular universe since Bonded. I don't mind writing more:)

      And I know, pinkies are gross! Snakes aren't my pet of choice, although my husband loves them. Ugh.

      And you're welcome for the post, dahling! Thank you for reading, and for the birthday wishes.

  2. Yay, more Pandora and Garrett, Jonah and Cody. And congratulaations on your birthday too.
