
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ruthless Efficiency

That description doesn't refer to me.  It refers to my publishers at Storm Moon Press.  My god, they are on top of pretty much everything that goes on with their authors. 

I'm doing a blog tour/series of interviews starting May 19th for Changing Worlds, the day after the release.  There will be giveaways with goodreads, ARCs were sent out to review sites, they got me signed up on twitter...goddamn.  Twitter.  Me.  Really?

Apparently, yes.  If anyone wants to follow what promises to be some admittedly erratic and funny tweets as I figure out what the hell I'm doing, you can find me here:!/author_cariz.

I should have the next Cinders post up in a few days, definitely before my new releases.  I can tweet about Reclaimed too, if I can figure out how:).   I'll have a couple of contests going here, and my website (which desperately needs an update, and will get one asap) will have the first complete chapters of both of them and an updated list of my free reads on Literotica.  Shit is getting done, my dahlings.  At least 50% of that is due to the girls at SMP, so mad props to them.


  1. Don't be afraid of Twitter!! I've been doing it for a loooonnng time and am a little addicted. I'm going to give you a follow ASAP! Hooray for getting shit done! Most days I don't feel like I do enough of that myself...

  2. Thanks for the vote of confidence, girl. I'm sure I'll get used to it soon. It's probably a good thing I have an antique phone that won't connect to the internet, otherwise I might tweet about absolutely inane things...totally unlike my blog posts, of course.

    1. This reminds me of a great little romance novel I read recently. Its called "Goodnight Tweetheart" by Teresa Medeiros. The main character is an author who's signed up for Twitter by her publisher. I won't give the plot away but its a good book. The next time you're bored on a rainy day you should read it. Its not M/M or even erotica but its a touching love story :-)

    2. Anything I do that reminds you of a romance novel is good, even if it revolves around my blush-worthy lack of competence:)
