
Monday, April 2, 2012

Changing Worlds cover and blurb


It's so pretty, isn't it?  The Storm Moon Press cover artist is Nathie, and I think she did a lovely job.  The book's description is included below.

In this sequel to Cari Z's Opening Worlds, former starship captain Jason Kim travels to Perelan, the homeworld of his lover, Ferran, to start a life together. The ruling council of the Perels have allowed this unconventional union to continue in the hopes of strengthening relations between themselves and the humans. And while Ferran's family welcome Jason with open arms, not all of the other major families are as pleased. The arrival of an outsider to their insular, subterranean world challenges the traditions of centuries.

Tensions soar as old rivalries are rekindled in the wake of Jason and Ferran's relationship. Inevitably, something snaps. Jason and Ferran soon find themselves literally fighting for their lives when xenophobic anger pushes things beyond the breaking point. Only their devotion to one another can see them through, but a ghost from Jason's past threatens even that. With Perelan on the brink of civil war, Jason and Ferran must find a way to stand together in the face of chaos and to change the world on their own terms before it tears itself apart.

Sound like something you want to read?  If you enjoyed Opening Worlds I think you'll be really happy with the novel.  If you like queer science fiction, I also think you'll enjoy.  It's due to be released May 17th, both as a paperback and an ebook.

Storm Moon Press as a publishing house has been amazing to work with.  They put out very quality work and care enough about having a good relationship with me to be very supportive and helpful in my writing endeavors.  I recommend looking through their library if you're searching for good GLBT and alternative lifestyle fiction.  Their works get plenty of reviews, so you can read up on almost everything there and decide if it's right for you.  Here's the website:

Am I pimping them?  You bet your ass I'm pimping them!  Because I love them:)


  1. The cover looks amazing!!! Once again, congrats on the novel. I can't wait to read it!!

  2. Hi Cristian!

    Honestly I can't wait for you to read it, because I think you're really going to like this story, and your gratification is my meat and drink:)

    Seriously though, it follows the short pretty well, and I'm very happy with how it turned out. I really do think people who liked the original are going to love this continuation.
