
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Love Is Always Write antho/event

Hey, y'all!

March is shaping up to be a big writing month for me, in part because at the urging of my readerwife I joined the M/M romance group on Goodreads, and am participating in an event called Love Is Always Write. Photos were posted and prompts were given, and authors had to race when the buzzer sounded to get the one they wanted. We have until the middle of April to finish a story based on the photo and prompt, and then all of the stories will be edited and compiled into a free anthology. Yes, free as in none of us are getting paid, but we'll get to be part of a really big, very entertaining event that will hopefully open some doors, and you guys will get to read a hell of a lot of good fic for free.

Will it all be good? Probably not. I haven't done this event before but I can only assume that the talent is all across the board. But if you like my stuff (which I assume you do, you're reading my blog:) then you'll probably like Andrea Speed, SL Armtrong, Jane Davitt, Lex Valentine, Kim Dare...the list goes on and on. There are some seriously good people writing for this, as well as a bunch of people I don't know but who are potentially fabulous. We'll all find out, huh?

If you're interested in reading the antho (eventually) the group's not hard to join.  Go to Goodreads and check it out. I will post whatever story I come up with here shortly after the antho comes out, since there's no exclusivity contract.

And what story will that be? What are my photo and prompt? Let me share them with you!


Dear Author,

One angel, one demon. Ancient enemies. Lifetimes of yearning. For millennia the demon Renat has loved the angel Emiel from afar. One kiss was all they ever shared, ages and ages ago. When Emiel is captured and imprisoned in Hell, Renat knows he will risk anything to rescue Emiel and return him to Heaven, even if it means facing the wrath of Satan himself.

Please find a way for this lonely demon to save his angel and get his long-awaited happy ending

Courtesy of Jordie, who chose so well:)  It's got a lot of potential, right?  I'm really looking forward to writing it.  What can I say, I like being prompted.

*PS, I only got this photo because SL Armstrong gave it to me after she laid claim first, because she is entirely awesome and I was a sad like a wet, bedraggled kitten.


  1. You are right. Not all the stories in the Goodreads M/M Romance anthologies are great. Even with an awesome prompt and a drool-worthy photo, the results are sometimes disappointing. I haven't read every page of the anthology from their last event (it was 4 volumes and literally THOUSANDS of pages long) but there are definitely some talented people participating, some established and some still new to the game. Its a really awesome way to be introduced to new authors though. So even if you have to sift through a few bad stories, its totally worth it.

  2. Hey Tiffany

    Yeah, I figured it would go that way. Because it's such a big event you really have to be equal opportunity, and you can't say no just because you want to weep after seeing how someone deals with a particular prompt. Hopefully people will stick with it to get to mine:) I'll post an excerpt here soon, it's really working out well. I'm really happy to be doing this.

