
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ding! Next Round...

So...just let me get this moment out before the really relevant stuff, dahlings.

Hindsight seems to be showing that my man and I should have just gone with public transportation instead of persnal vehicles on our return.  1 inch of snow shouldn't make driving so hard, but I swear people who are awesome in a foot of snow suck in 1 inch of it.  This morning going to work, some poor lady's Explorer swung a fishhook and crashed into my little car's front end, driving us both off the road.  She had insurance but no drivers license (how does one accomplish that anyway?) and in my compassion (weakness?) I didin't call the cops to officiate our accident.  On the plus side, all this has resulted in me missing work today!  On the minus side I have to make up all my client visits tomorrow, in what car I don't know, but I have to find one by then.  Joy.

Okay, gripe over with.  Holy crap, guys, thanks for reading Pandora!  I have some work to do before it's ready to post on Lit, but hopefully the first collected installment will be up around the end of the month.  I'm writing a sequel to Shadowed, probably the last installment in that series even though I adore Danny and Reese.  My follow-up novel to the short story Opening Worlds is written and beginning the editing process.  I linked the first chapter a while back.  The whole thing came out pretty darn good, I think.  I'm going to submit stories for a few anthologies in the coming months, because damn it, I love doing anthologies.  So much less stress, so fun to see other people's take on an idea.  Oh, and, my short story Different Spheres will be out with Dreamspinner Press sometime in the next month, I believe.  I think Jana's the only one who's read that so far, but I think you guys will like it.  There are excerpts posted somewhere on this blog:)

In other news, I'm hopefully going to have a website--a real website, all big-girl and everything--up soon.  The blog will be coming along for the ride, but gosh, the whole thought of it makes me feel so official.  Like now I need something else to strive for, like a cabana boy, and a cabana for him to be a boy at.  Or something.  Kinda tired and knocked around here.

I hope your new year has gotten off to a safe and successful start.  Stick with me, guys, 2012 is going to be an exciting, creatively productive year.  Next post: where the hell do I go from here?  Or, name that serial story.

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