
Monday, October 24, 2011

Upcoming Contest...totally serious here

So, the art of self promotion is something that I’ve yet to fully conquer. I realize that I’m supposed to push my work and let you know when something is coming up, when it’s getting a good review, and give you bits and pieces of it that will tantalize your curiosity. Ok, I can go there…it’s the contest thing that’s still bugging me. I haven’t done any contests yet, but the standard of giving something out one of the bunches of people who comment on your blog feels like overreaching to me, because I don’t get that kind of traffic. Yet! Not yet! Feeling confident, but still…

I’m going to hold a contest on November 2nd, when my novella A Blinded Mind comes out from Dreamspinner Press. All you have to do is leave me a comment that includes, hopefully, something nice to say. If there are five or fewer comments left on that post, I’ll contact every one of you lucky people (one comment apiece, please) and either send you an ebook of mine you haven’t read yet, one of the paperback books with my work in them that accumulated while I was in Africa (includes several anthologies) or something new and exciting to beta read (providing I adore you, which is always possible:). If there are more than five comments, then a random number generator will help me give the same offer to two people.

I’ll do a big and flashy post on the 2nd and remind you about the contest. In the meantime, here are some nice reviews. I’ll do a snippet later this week for my upcoming release. Huzzah!

An excerpt from, for I Like To Watch (found here)
I LIKE TO WATCH is a collection of seventeen gay erotic short stories edited by Christopher Pierce. Although the stories all revolve around voyeurism and exhibitionism, they are very diverse in content. From solo shows to hook- ups to falling in love, from vanilla sex to fetishes to BDSM, there is something for everyone in this steamy anthology.

Other noteworthy entries include Good Boy by well-know author Jeff Mann and Table Topped by Cari Z. Both of these stories are about office romances, and I found them to be perhaps the most erotic in the collection.

From, for Wild Passions (found here)

Anthologies for me are not always a great experience. I am always disappointed in a few stories, and wish others were a bit longer. This anthology had the disappointment, but with some good news. I am totally in love with the last two stories in this book; it’s as if they saved the best for last. The whole book deals with interspecies hook-ups, animal/human hybrids, and if I am not stretching too far some social and political issues. It all could just be my interpretation. Therefore, I will break down my review in terms of each story.

Opening Worlds by Cari Z

This was one of my favourite stories in the entire anthology. It just felt right and complete, and made me happy with its conclusion. A captain of a passenger freighter, and the alien from another planet. A human and alien love story in the greatest form. Jason Kim the captain swore never get involved with his passengers, but there is something about Ferran that calls to him. He is willing to break all the rules at a chance at happiness, but there is more to Ferran and will Jason be able to live with losing him. Just really adored this one.

Thanks to both those reviewers for having nice things to say! For those who are interested, my story in the Wild Passions anthology will be released as an individual ebook in December, so just in case you were waiting because you aren’t an anthology person, fear not. It’s on it’s way.

1 comment:

  1. Umm.....I really hope I'm not the first commentator.
    I found your blog through Literotica, and I don't know which I enjoy more. Your true stories about Africa or the fictional stories more. I check every day for a new posting. (I am anxiously awaiting the next chapter of Pandora though, hint hint ;) )You have an amazing gift for words, and I thank you for putting them out for the world. And I can't wait to read more.
