
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A few "make my day" cool things:)

One, thanks a lot to the people who commented, emailed me and overall persevered (despite Blogger making things difficult) about Pandora.  I'm so glad you're enjoying it and never fear, all shall be resolved.  I'm sorry Jane had to go, but look a the silver lining: it wasn't Wyl. 

Two, my short story Different Spheres got accepted for publication by Dreamspinner Press and will probably be coming out in February/March with them.  I'll let you know more as I do, like what the cover will be etc., but thanks a lot for the kind words about the snippets I posted.  I'll throw you a few more before it's published.  Maybe even do a contest; I'm back in America, I have contest capacity now.  I totally need to get with it as an author/promoter and make you yearn for more, yeah?  Yeah.  I'll work on that.

Happy Wednesday, guys.  Keep your chins up:)

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