
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Release: Shadowed


Shadowed, published by Pink Petal Books, is the sequel to Treasured and stars the same main characters, Daniel Hart and Reese Daveth.  It's magic and mayhem and sex and sweetness and other wonderful things revolving around two of my favorite characters.  Their stories are so easy to write, and the stuff that comes out is so much fun.  If you liked Treasured I think you'll really enjoy Shadowed, and if you haven't read Treasured yet, it would be nice but it isn't necessary in order to understand what goes on in this story.

Have a cover, a blurb and a link!

                                                                   Shadowed Link

After a rocky start to their relationship, Daniel Hart and Rhys Daveth are looking forward to putting the past behind them and spending a private, romantic Christmas holiday together in Venice. Trouble follows their trail, however, and after only a few days together Rhys is drugged and kidnapped by agents of an espionage program that he fled from years ago. Daniel barely escapes being taken as well, and afterwards is found by another party interested in Rhys: his friends and coworkers, fellow thieves who tracked him down once they realized he was being hunted.

Time is flying and the thieves are having no success finding Rhys, despite their magical and technological expertise. In order to save his lover’s life, Daniel will have to trust a new magic that exists between him and Rhys, a connection he doesn’t understand and has never mentioned to anyone else. Daniel doesn’t know what he’s dealing with or what the consequences might be, but if he doesn’t use his strange new ability to find Rhys, the man he loves may be lost forever.

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