
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I Like To Watch is available!

I would say "at last!" but that would be silly of me, since while it didn't come out on the day I expected, I haven't been watching it like a hawk either.  Anyway, it's out now and it looks awesome.  Nice work, Christopher (otherwise known as Editor Man). This is a great anthology, and my short story Table Topped is included.  There are table sex and D/s overtures and all sorts of other yummy things showing up on the pages.  Here's the link to check it out: I Like To Watch.

And tomorrow!  I'll give you the update/rundown on my January releases, of which there are two, since one got bumped to February.  No no, little story, don't cry.  You'll be better for it.

In personal news, Christmas is over but we've still got more than a week to hang out in snowy Germany, for which I continue to be thankful.  Going home is going to be hard this year.

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