
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Any Second Now...

That's the refrain going through my head when I contemplate my work at the moment.  Any second now I'll have the sixth part of Pandora done, the third chapter of Shadows and Light will finally be posted on Literotica (it's in the queue), I'll be able to point you towards the I Like To Watch antho with a reasonable expectation that it'll be available (December they told me--it's a big month, though, you know?), and I can do promotion for my stuff coming out in January ( I have some great covers to show you, and yummy excerpts).  Soon.  Very soon.  Like, today soon, for some of it.  I'll let you know, barring any internet catastrophes (which only seem to happen in the middle of the month, so we may have a week or so of wiggle room here).

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