
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ah, Allemagne...

It took a while, but we got here.  We had an extended layover in the Paris airport due to weather conditions in Germany, and many people were dismayed and angry and so on.  My man and I?  We were just happy to get a sandwich voucher for our time.  Delayed in a place with flush toilets...heaven:)  Yeah, I know, perspective is everything.  Anyway, now we're here, and after two showers in under twelve hours, I feel clean again.  Renewed.  Ready to do...what, exactly?

Apart from a brief away trip at the beginning of this next week, we'll mostly be in one place for this trip, and I look forward to using the time to write.  I spent a lot of our layover writing the next chapter of Pandora, which is now half done, so you can look forward to that soon.  As for other stuff, you'll know when I know.  Or very shortly thereafter, given the space-time continuum.  Darn immutable physics.


  1. Glad you made it! The winter storms in Germany made the news here in the states. Looks pretty nasty out there! Hope the snow and ice and airport delays won't lessen your enjoyment of the holidays! The weatherman is predicting a white Christmas here in Tennessee but knowing how TN weather works, it will more likely be 75 degrees and sunny. We'll see. :-)

  2. I've never been to Tennessee or lived in a place before Africa that had warm Christmases. Is a white Christmas rare? And apparently the storms weren't bad by the time we got here, but the airport had run out of de-icer for the plane

  3. A white Christmas in TN is very rare. Perhaps once every 10-15 years we get a real snow on Christmas. Its frequently warm (60+ degrees) around Christmas and New Year. One year I went to an NFL game in Nashville on January 2nd and didn't even wear a jacket it was so warm and sunny. There is a old saying about Tennessee weather "If you don't like it, wait a minute and it will change." Last week we had a rare snow/ice storm that closed schools and pretty much shut down everything for about 5 days. Since we usually don't get any serious snow until about late January or February it was a big deal here. And of course, by Tennessee standards a "big deal" is anything above 3 inches of snow. It turns everyone in the state into maniacs on the roads. My friends from Michigan always laugh at how crazy people down here go over a little bit of snow. The only good thing about the snow is that I'm a teacher so any time it snows even a little, schools are canceled and I get a snow day! Got a whole week off last week!

  4. Happy you made it to Germany! I love it that winter is allready here but I will hate it in Late January and i bet it will stay till march. That is life. I am really exited about the next chapter so I hope you have lots of quiet indoor time because of snow ;-).
    Jana from Germany

  5. Hi Jana! A number of people have been surprised that southern Germany, where I am, has gotten this much snow already. I love it, personally:) And apart from being dragooned into visiting crystal factories with my mother and sister in law over the next few days (beautiful but not really my thing), I'm sure I'll post the next chapter soon. It's going to be a long one. And Tiffany, yay on no school for a week!
