
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Myths and Magic

I have another short story coming out in an anthology with Dreamspinner Press on the 15th.  The antho is Myths and Magic, the story is The Wild Hunt.  Let me link you.

I'll add cover art once my connection stops being a little bitch.  This story takes place in Colorado (and technically in an Otherworld with a portal in Wales) and writing it made me homesick.  There's going to be a release party on the 16th through Dreamspinner, and I'll hopefully have a post or two up there.  Written in advance, naturally.  I will respond to you if you comment, though.  I get back to people, people.  Just ask Tiffany.

In other fun news, I'm going to be published with Total E-Bound.  Woot!  The novella comes out at the end of January 2011, is called Surviving the Change and will be utterly beautiful, because their books always are.  Oh, and it's well-written and entertaining and completely hot thanks to my editor, who made me increase the heat until it was up to their standards.  More sex to write, such a heavy burden...


  1. I am so glad to have discovered your writing! I am enjoying it more and more with every story I read. You have such a talent! I have tried writing my own stories in the past but have never even come close to anything worth sharing with the public. I definitely don't have "the gift". But I LOVE to read, so I am content with letting authors like you do the writing for me. :-) I am loving Shadows and Light, by the way, but I admit after the first chapter I wasn't so sure. I thought chapter one was beautifully written but I wanted to scream at Rafael for his seemingly undeserved devotion to Xian after everything that had happened. It kinda pissed me off for a while. Then I read chapter two and I was BLOWN AWAY. I read the whole thing again right after I finished it the first time. My favorite books/stories of all time are the ones that leave me emotionally stunned (I mean that in the best way possible, if that makes any sense) You definitely accomplished that in chapter two. So, I will end this rambling comment by saying that I am looking forward to more of Shadows and Light. I hope that you are able to continue it soon. In the meantime, I get to catch up on all the stories you've published that I haven't read yet. Thanks for doing what you do!

  2. Wow, Tiffany. You continue to be my only, but no less favorite for it, commenter:) Thanks for the encouragement on Shadows and Light, it's a really difficult story to write and I love it when people say, "No, I like it! Keep going." I'm glad you're enjoying my other stuff as well. I'll get links up for the short stories asap. In the meantime, I'll post more on Garrett soon and try to think of a way to thank you for the mood boost.
