
Sunday, September 26, 2010


Thank whoever for that, I was about to chuck the little monster out the window.  On to what I was going to say...

So I was pondering ways to improve my blog lately, get more people visiting and interested in my work. I poked around other peoples blogs and took note of what I found interesting and what seemed to generate comment. Oh yeah, I research. Little Miss Ass To The Grindstone, that’s me. Wait…

One thing was posting often, which is a lovely thought but not something I can do much more than I already am, at this point. Another thing was contests, which immediately intimidated me. I don’t know how to run a contest, never done it before and what would I give away? Copies of stories? Not paperback since even I don’t get those sent to me over here. E-copies? What would the contest be about? How would this work? Because it didn’t make me want to jump eagerly into the deep end, I’m shelving the contest idea until further notice, or until someone is willing to hold my paralyzed Luddite hand. Other stuff people like: snippets, or really any sort of free fiction. A-ha. Light bulb clicks, bells ring, hallelujah. And I can involve the people who most have reason to love and loathe me, too.

So, Literotica readers. You’re waiting on tenterhooks for me to get on with Shadows and Light. I am, but I won’t torture you by posting bits and pieces of it here. That would be mean. Instead I’ll start a spin-off of the Bonded series, this time from Garrett’s perspective. If you haven’t read my stuff on Literotica, go and read it! It’s free! Some of it is pretty good! And then you’ll have an idea about the universe I’m working with when I post Garrett’s story here. If you have read my stuff on Literotica, consider this a thank-you. When the story is done I’ll modify it into one coherent piece and post it on that site, but I want you to have something from me to satiate those waiting for S&L pt. 3. It’s coming. Swear by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. (By the way, Talk Like A Pirate Day? What a wonderful day. I only subjected my fellow Americans to it; the host country nationals think we’re weird enough.)

Now I just have to produce something…

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